Vandor Industry
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First ferruled sling ever produced in Romania using TALURIT™machinery & ferrules.

Established in 1995 after a long experience in lifting technology, VANDOR INDUSTRY daily proves perfection is achievable.

In a barely balanced market, suffocated with products of doubtful origin and quality, our Company strategy is to promote equipment to the highest standards of safety & reliability.

As well as our German and British partners, it is our strong belief, as far as lifting equipment is concerned, perfection is actually the only option. Any other variant is at least adventurous.

In order to keep your expenditures low, you cannot afford to buy short lifespan products, for which even the producer is unable to guarantee.

This is why, for the slings produced by us, we exclusively use:

  • Special alloy, original Talurit® – Gerro® ferules only;
  • Wirelock® resins compounds only, approved by all Shipping Registers worldwide
  • Both our machinery and our technology are Talurit - Gerro AB Sweden 2008
  • Steel wire ropes used are provided only by manufacturers carefully selected, and are tested upon receival, eliminatory.
  • Our personnel is trained up to date, and periodically examined, compulsory and extremely rigorous

As such, we can hereby state, not without pride:

·          We are the sole Romanian producer able to cover upon our wire rope slings not only a warranty certificate, but a Product Liability Insurance, too!  

·          Our Company produced, at July 21st, 2008, in our facility in The Port of Constantza, Berth 44 West, first feruled sling in Dobrudja!  

·          Up to now, to this domain, we own the most performing brand new machinery!  

·         We are in possession and command of newest technology, standards, expertise and know-how regarding steel wire rope slings!  

There are, of course, many, ready to produce steel wire rope slings, and the decision is only yours..  
...we are convinced, however, that experience would eventually lead you to us.
  We can only hope these experiences won't stick to you any bitter memories..  

Please think about it when you're watching your slings fully loaded, high above!


Harta Poarta6-VANDOR

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